Deadly Israeli Airstrike Targets Hospital Complex Where Thousands Were Sheltering

Deadly Israeli Airstrike Targets Hospital Complex Where Thousands Were Sheltering

An Israeli airstrike targeted a hospital courtyard in central Gaza, resulting in multiple fatalities among displaced Palestinians seeking refuge there. Hospital authorities indicated that thousands were taking shelter on the premises. The Israeli military claimed it executed a ‘targeted strike’ against a Hamas command post.

The airstrike and its resulting blaze resulted in the deaths of at least four individuals, with numerous others, including women and children, sustaining injuries. Footage captured by The Associated Press and Reuters on Monday morning depicted individuals sifting through the smoldering ruins and attempting to put out the fires at the encampment located in Deir al Balah.

The Israeli military reported that it had targeted what it characterized as a Hamas command center situated in a former hospital, asserting that the militant group utilized this location to orchestrate attacks against Israeli forces. This assertion has not been independently verified.