Black-colored plastic used for kitchen utensils and toys linked to banned toxic flame retardants
A recent study has revealed that black-colored plastics used in various children’s toys, takeaway containers, kitchen tools, and trays for grocery meats and produce may harbor worrying levels of toxic flame retardants. These harmful substances may be seeping from electronic devices during the recycling process.
Lead researcher Megan Liu noted that one of the products with the highest concentrations of flame retardants was black plastic pirate coin beads, which contained as much as 22 parts per million of total retardants, nearly 3% by weight. The study identified that the most dangerous flame retardants found in consumer goods are the same ones incorporated into the casings of televisions and other electronic devices.
A specific product, a black plastic sushi tray, was discovered to contain 11,900 parts per million of decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE), a chemical falling under the polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) category of flame retardants. Individuals with elevated levels of PBDEs in their blood were approximately three times more likely to succumb to cancer compared to those with lower levels.
Toxicologist Linda Birnbaum expressed concern over the presence of flame retardants that are no longer supposed to be in use. She advised against using black plastic for food-related items or purchasing toys that contain black plastic parts. The study suggests that daily exposure to contaminated black plastic kitchen utensils could average around 34 parts per million of deBDE.
Consumers can take steps to mitigate their exposure to flame retardants by replacing plastic kitchen utensils with stainless steel alternatives or opting for plastic-free items. Regular cleaning practices, such as dusting, mopping, and vacuuming, can help eliminate dust that may be contaminated with harmful chemicals, including flame retardants. Frequent hand washing and ensuring proper ventilation are also beneficial.